ZIDA Bhubaneswar the Best fashion design course in Bhubaneswar


Nasscom Report:
Gone are the days when brand communication was mostly made up of ads that appeared on billboards, in magazines and/or on television. Today, all of this is augmented with Digital revolution.
The fashion industry is engaging with digital technology in new and different ways, in order to stay competitive and to engage with the ways that consumers are searching for jewelry, clothes, and accessories.
Source: nasscom.in
Online Apply for Admission: www.zidaodisha.org
Contact us at our venue:
Plot- 724, Saheed Nagar | Bhubaneswar | Odisha-751007
Phone: 0674-2548833, 0674-3510033 | Mo: 9439702004 | 9438755900 | 08328948815


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